Entrance System

Innovative yet Practical ID Shop supplies Kaba and Cominfo entrance solutions for security, sustainability and reliability which make the lives of our customers smart and secure. The entrance systems can provide you self-boarding and paid entrance solutions and other possibilities you desire.

Preberi več

Izberite po kategoriji:

  • Vse
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Airports – Self-boarding

Automatic boarding gates support airport staff in checking boarding cards in the shortest time possible.

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Full height glass gates

The ideal solution for any access point.

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Full Height Turnstiles

Tripods and full height gates

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Half Height Turnstiles

Elegant, Quiet and Versatile

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Payable Entrance Solutions

Payment device with integrated rotating tripod

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Personal Interlocks

Maximum security for sensitive areas.

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Swing gates

Solution where wider passage access is needed

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Tripod Turnstiles

Practical, Reliable and Easy to Use

Izvedi več +

Visible beauty. Invisible protection.

New EasyGate Superb

The slimmest fully equipped speed gate in the world.

For protected areas, where every centimeter counts. Aesthetically fills in every space and at the same time provides full functionality.

Security passes for any office building or facility where you want to get rid of physical security and establish a top-level access control. Different versions and functionality of security speed gates are available.

  • Housing width dimension: 10cm
  • Passage width: 55cm, 65cm or 92cm,
  • Intelligent LED lighting
  • 24 pairs of optical sensors for detecting unauthorized transitions
  • Automatic detection and reporting of possible failures or vandalism
  • Integrated card collector with card return function, possibility to install card reader
  • Possible to adjust  the casing and top panel and personalization according to the CGP of the company
  • Selecting sound alarms
  • Extensive option for upgrading and integration with other systems

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Naj se profesionalni izgled vašega podjetja kaže na vsakem koraku!

Trdi etuiji za kartice po vaši meri

ID Shop vam omogoča, da sami določite izgled vaših etuijev, za vrhunsko kvaliteto in izdelavo pa poskrbimo mi.

Izberi obliko

Prepoznavna kvaliteta in zanesljivost izdelkov/storitev.

Izberi barvo

Prepoznavna kvaliteta in zanesljivost izdelkov/storitev.

Dodaj logotip

Prepoznavna kvaliteta in zanesljivost izdelkov/storitev.

5 preprostih korakov

Od ideje do izvedbe

Graviran ali natisnjen logotip za kartice za vašo še večjo prepoznavnost.

Zaupajte nam vaše želje
Izdelava in potrditev designa
Izdelava orodja
Izdelava vzorcev
Masovna proizvodnja
4 koraki

Zakaj izbrati naše etuije

Graviran ali natisnjen logotip na etuijih za kartice poveča in krepi vašo prepoznavnost.

Card Holder

Izberite med barvami, ki so na voljo ali določite popolnoma svojo barvo

Prožnost in vzdržljivost etuijev zaradi visoko kakovostnega materiala - polikarbonat

Visoka čistost materiala zaradi standardiziranega proizvodnega procesa

Graviran ali natisnjen logotip na etuijih

Proces izdelave trdih etuijev za plastične kartice


Naša proizvodnja lahko zadosti vsem vašim potrebam po izdelavi visoko kakovostnih etuijev za kartice in drugih proizvodov iz plastičnih mas.


Trusted partner

Inovativni svetovalci

Delimo strokovno znanje, ideje in nasvete.

Personalized solutions

Osredotočeni na rešitve

Za svoje delo prevzemamo odgovornost.

Innovative thinking


Našim strankam nudimo izjemno podporo.


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