Edisecure LES8000 laser card printer is laser engraving system that targets professionals responsible for safeguarding national identity management. Designed to support government departments that manage in-branch or in-bureau card issuance, the LES8000 is the perfect fit for applications such as:
Compare to a central issuance system, the LES8000 is a very compact, a real desktop solution.
The LES8000 allows parallel processing for maximised throughput: feeder-encoder and/ or barcode reading, laser engraving and single or dual lamination.
The LES8000 laser module offers additional security options, such as MLI and CLI, tactile and non-tactile engraving.
The solution’s own security features include various physical and electronic locks to prevent unauthorised access.
Multiple feeders allow several types of cards to be managed in one production line.
The modular system can add up to four Feeder Encoding Modules (FEM), increasing the capacity of card stock from 350 to 1,400 cards without interrupting production.
This makes it one of the fastest solutions on the market and a persuasive return on investment.
Zahvaljujoč enojni žični IP povezljivosti in vgrajenemu računalniku, je LES8000 enostaven za namestitev in uporabo. Naj vas ne skrbi – tudi pri morebitni nadgradnji in združevanju ne bo večjih izzivov.
cardPresso is designed to make card production easy. Graphic design and personalisation tools are built in. Magnetic, contact and contactless chip encoding are available.
Its user-friendly interface allows anyone to use the software without much training.
cardPresso offers 6 editions in 18 languages. cardPresso works with large databases including MS Access, MS SQL, MySQL and Oracle: Native support for XLS, XLSX, CSV and TXT are also included.
Continuous development guarantees an application with the most up-to-date card technologies. Minor version updates are available at no charge. Upgrades to advanced editions are available online at any time.
Numerous online tutorials, videos and FAQs are available. cardPresso also provides free and responsive technical support. All the cardPresso editions have been tested with Zenius, Primacy and Quantum card printers and encoders, thus ensuring a perfect compatibility between your hardware and software equipment.
Available in 6 editions, cardPresso is the ideal product for any card issuance project, whatever your organisation.
Tisk: enostranski, dvostranski Kodiranje: magnetni trak, kontaktni čip, brezkontaktni čip Ločljivost: 300 dpi
Izvedi več +Tiskanje: enostransko, dvostransko Kodiranje: magnetni trak, kontaktni čip, brezkontaktni čip Ločljivost: 300 dpi
Izvedi več +Tiskanje: enostransko, dvostransko Kodiranje: magnetni trak, kontaktni čip, brezkontaktni čip Ločljivost: 300 dpi
Izvedi več +Tiskanje: enostransko, dvostransko Kodiranje: magnetni trak, kontaktni čip, brezkontaktni čip Ločljivost: 300 dpi
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